Selasa, 17 April 2018

Speed Reading Tactics How Do You Read Super Fast and Comprehend

Speed Reading Tactics How Do You Read Super Fast and Comprehend

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Speed Reading Tactics How Do You Read Super Fast and Comprehend

The most often question I get asked is, "How can I read over 1500 words per minute and still understand, or comprehend the material?" Stated in another form, "Does speed reading really work?" Without writing an entire course, this article will try to answer these questions.

When people question about reading fast and not comprehending, there is a basic misunderstanding of terms. As I've written in previous articles, reading is the mind's response to print. If your mind is not responding when you are applying any speed reading technique, then you are in fact not reading. The word reading, then, always assumes some level of comprehension.

If you have been exposed to some program that teaches you how to move through materials at very high rates in the thousands of words per minute range and you are not comprehending, then the program has failed you. Recently I got an email from someone who told me they had been working with a computerized program and that they had increased their speed to over 2000 words per minute but were not comprehending much and asked if I could help. This was an excellent example of bad, misguided training.

There are two primary aspects of "speed reading." The first is improving the mechanical aspect of reading. That happens with some sort of eye movement techniques. In fact, it is possible to physically move the eyes and see all the words in the material at rates of 10,000 - 100,000 words per minute. Naturally a speed reading program will contain this aspect. But unfortunately, this is about all that is trained, leaving the user frustrated as I so often hear.

The second aspect of speed reading is comprehension. Comprehension is the mind's response to the symbols on the page. In effect, then, reading is thinking. You can read as fast as your mind can respond to the print. So, to truly speed read, you need to learn how to move your mind faster as well.

To answer the question, Does speed reading really work," I say no! You work it! That means there are ways to train your brain to respond differently as you accelerate your speeds. What I have found to work best is to teach learners the mechanics first with some level of comprehension, but letting them relax and not worry about getting(memorizing) as they go thru this initial skill building stage.

After the learner is more comfortable with the physical/mechanical skills, then we build comprehension in a purposeful manner. When the learner has broken out of the old habits they have accumulated in the past, then they are taught how to monitor what the mind is doing as they don't have to think so much about the eye mechanics.

One of the keys to comprehension is preparing the mind for reading. There are a wide assortment of tools to help this phase of training. The comprehension approach breaks the learner out from the traditional left brain approach they learned in early life and engage the whole brain. Or, in other words they learn how to activate the right hemisphere as well. One way of helping to do this is looking thru the material in a manner that gives you the "30,000 foot view" instead of the word-by-word view you were taught when first learning to read.

From that "high" view, you then learn to navigate at various levels depending on you needs and purposes. But remember, comprehension is you. It's your mind's response to print. As your eyes are moving through the material, ask yourself, "what am I thinking about?" If it has nothing to do with the print, you are not reading. You're doing something else, possibly daydreaming, or criticizing yourself. Bring it back to the print. Again, speed reading does not work. You work it! Learn how to build better comprehension. Monitor what your mind is thinking about.

Senin, 16 April 2018

Speed Reading Tactics Avoid These 8 Fatal Mistakes

Speed Reading Tactics Avoid These 8 Fatal Mistakes

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Speed Reading Tactics Avoid These 8 Fatal Mistakes

Speed reading is a set of skills that is necessary for nearly everyone's survival in this age of information overload. Whether you are a student, returning adult student, employee, manager, executive, or business person reading more efficiently and effectively is set of techniques that are key to your survival. Here are 8 fatal mistakes you need to avoid when learning this set of powerful learning tools and how you can overcome them.

1. Too much focus on speed. All speed reading programs and approaches want you to focus on speeding things up. In the beginning stages of your skill development this obviously is essential. However, when you want to understand what you are reading, you can only read as fast as your mind can understand the material. Learn to distinguish between practicing the skills and applying them in the real world.

2. Focusing on the mechanics only. The eyes are the mechanical tools allowing you to read, but the brain/mind interprets and comprehends the material. Too many programs focus either exclusively or primarily on eye-span training and assume that the cognitive or comprehension process will eventually catch up. Beware of investing your time and money on these types of programs. There needs to be a clear path to the comprehension side of speed reading.

3. Holding back. In order to master speed reading you have to learn to think and perceive the print in new ways. Too often a beginner holds back because the mind gets so overloaded with this new perceptual process. A new learner may increase their reading speed by 100 words per minute or so, but won't let go in the speed development portion because comprehension suffers initially. This type of new learner wants to comprehend in the same manner he/she has always done it. Real speed reading does not speed up what you already do. It transforms how you process information and print.

4. Inconsistent effort. Learning to master speed reading as a lifelong skill is an easily learnable, but very complex set of behaviors. Very often the learner will be very excited at the outset. Then life happens. Other priorities take over. The great psychologist William James said that in order to change our habits, we must commit to the change, and allow no exceptions until the new skill is firmly embedded in our nature (becomes habit). You will not master speed reading by training a little one day and then not practicing again for a week or two. To move from new skill to mastery means consistently working with the skills over a period of time.

When was the last time you tried to change a habit? Were you successful? Did you do it overnight? Or, did you have to remind yourself over and over until the new skill became a habit?

Beware of what the sales page tells you about learning to speed read 16 minutes. You may be able to learn about it. You won't be able to master it. The key question for you is: is it worth devoting a little time consistently over what most behavioral psychologist will agree takes 30 -45 days to change your old habits into new ones?

5. Giving up too early. We live in a culture of instant gratitude. It seems almost everything is instantaneous. Unfortunately you have lifelong reading habits that won't change overnight. Jumping to conclusions too early and stopping your training because "it doesn't work" will just keep you where you already are. I'm often asked, "Does that speed reading stuff really work?" My flip answer is "no." "It" doesn't work. You work it! Effective speed reading is a systematic approach to dealing with print. First you learn the system. Then you apply the system. If you relate to this flaw, you need to enroll in a program that has personalized one-to-one support for the times when you feel like giving up.

6. "Reading" mindlessly. Once again, it is important to get the eyes moving efficiently, but you have to remember that behind the eyes should be your mind. What is your mind doing as your eyes are moving? Learn to activate and move your mind with your eyes. With proper training you can learn to move your mind faster as well. This is a comprehension issue.

7. Expecting that you should understand it completely after one try. Reading comprehension, or understanding the material, is not a one time event. For very simple things one exposure may be enough. However for larger documents, books, manuals, etc. that need to be fully understood and retained, thinking you should master it in one sweep is a myth. In fact comprehension is a process. A process is a systematic approach to accomplish a result. Learn how to build comprehension. Learn and apply the process.

8. The need to be perfect. If you are someone with a low frustration tolerance, you will never master speed reading. Perfection is an ideal state. As an ideal state, it is questionable as to whether it can ever be achieved in reality. We can strive for perfection and get closer and closer. Learning is a messy process. Rarely do we get it the first time around. Learning to speed read is the same. As with all learning, we learn a lot about ourselves in the process. Looking back at challenging things we have mastered, we discover the journey was not a straight perfect path. For those of us who love to learn, the journey was full of personal growth and now looking back worth the ride.

If you want to master speed reading skills, commit to the process, get a good teacher/coach to help you through the tough times, and keep these fatal mistakes in mind. You'll discover more than how to speed read. You'll unlock secrets of your mind you didn't even know existed.

Speed Reading Tactics 9 Tips to Keep Your Mind Focused While Learning to Speed Read

Speed Reading Tactics 9 Tips to Keep Your Mind Focused While Learning to Speed Read

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Speed Reading Tactics 9 Tips to Keep Your Mind Focused While Learning to Speed Read

In the "always-on" electronic information rich and interconnected culture we live in, challenges to our ability to focus and concentrate is an extremely essential trait that few people can claim is not a problem. Concentration becomes even more difficult when learning to speed read. This article will outline 9 tactics you can easily apply while you learn to speed read and they will pay dividends beyond the process of reading.

When learning to speed read, one of the tough habits to overcome is mind-wandering. Slow readers are often crippled in their ability to comprehend, or understand the material in front of them. Other inefficient habits like focusing on individual words, makes it harder to grasp the larger meaning. Even readers who comprehend well face challenges of mind wandering when they first learn speed reading skills because they are focusing on how the eyes are moving. However, without the focus on meanings, comprehension will always remain elusive.

Here's what to do differently:

1. Get plenty of rest. Without enough sleep, the brain goes into overload more easily. Trying to learn these perceptually challenging skills when fatigued will be a waste of time.

2. Use proper fuel. Your brain needs certain nutrients in order to create the biochemistry needed for learning. Loading up on sugar and caffeine as well as ingesting large amounts of fats and empty calories from processed foods starves your brain of necessary nutrients.

3. Prepare your mind for practice. Practice means doing essential exercises that are designed to train your brain for higher performance. Before you start your practice sessions, take a few moments to quiet your mind. There are many different ways to do this. One simple way is to shut your eyes and merely watch your breathing pattern for a minute or two until your breathing slows down and deepens into your diaphragm.

4. Prepare for the material. Look through the material quickly to get a basic outline of what it covers.

5. Ask questions based on what you observe in number four.

6. Be purposeful. Know what you want to get out of the material and how much comprehension is needed for the results of the practice session.

7. Ask yourself continuously. "What's this about?" over each paragraph. Force your mind to respond to something you see.

8. Stop and Note every few minutes at least what the most important points were that you discovered along the way.

9. Practice Focusing Techniques. There are numerous techniques that can help you build your focus. Simply watching a candle, or light and noting how long it takes to observe your mind going somewhere else is one of the simplest techniques that you can do. Track how long it takes your mind to wander off and then try to make it longer each time.

Now that you have these nine tactics, apply them whenever you read, not only while learning to speed read. I'd also like to invite you to learn more at Get Free Tips

Speed Reading Tactics 7 Tips For Overcoming Sub-Vocalization

Speed Reading Tactics 7 Tips For Overcoming Sub-Vocalization

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Speed Reading Tactics 7 Tips For Overcoming Sub-Vocalization

A recent visitor to my site inquiring about speed reading asked, "How can I move away from actually saying the words, and learn how to identify the symbols?" The question demonstrates a knowledge of one of the difficult habits to overcome in learning to speed read - sub-vocalization. Sub-vocalization is seeing the words, then saying the words in your mind, then hearing the words, and finally understanding them. It is a four step process. Reading is defined as getting meaning from printed materials - seeing them, and creating understanding. Theoretically, reading should be only two steps. This article will give 7 tips to overcome and transform this process.

Sub-vocalization is heralded by most uninformed pundits as the primary block to slow reading. It is a difficult habit to overcome. Too often speed reading learners get too hung up in the beginning because they become so focused on this habit. It is a problem for speed reading depending on how you define speed reading. If someone currently reads at 250 wpm (words per minute), and then learns to read at 500 wpm, is that speed reading? If so, that is still a speed in which the spoken word can still be understood, but it is below the visual reading threshold which occurs at about 600 wpm. From my experience of using and training tens of thousands of learners, speed
reading occurs much faster than that.

Tip One - Get physical - learn to move the eyes more rapidly and fluidly over the print. All speed reading programs cover some sort of physical eye training. Unfortunately, most programs stop with the physical training, and that is one reason why speed reading programs often get negative reviews. Keep in mind the eyes are the mechanics in reading. Learning to move the eyes more fluidly and getting them unstuck from focusing on single words and phrases is very important to getting the mind to respond faster. You do need to see the words faster. But in the early stages, this can be unsettling. Know that you are making dramatic changes to your perceptual processing of
the material and stay focused and disciplined.

Tip Two: Since sub-vocalization occurs below 600 wpm, increase your rates far beyond that. In fact, you should consistently move at least twice that speed. Breaking sub-vocalization by fast practice is useful in stimulating the brain's nervous system in a way that is similar to driving a car. You might feel comfortable driving at 30 miles per hour.
Then you drive on the freeway. As you accelerate, you focus on controlling the car as you ramp up to 70 mph. After a couple hours you exit the freeway and slow back down 30 mph. It feels very, very slow. Training your eyes and brain to focus and understand at accelerated rates follows a similar principle.

Tip Three: Think about what you are seeing. After all, reading is a thinking skill. As your eyes are passing over all the words, think about what the material is about. Do not focus on saying to yourself, "Stop Sub-vocalizing!" Paying attention to your sub-vocalization and telling yourself to stop only interferes with any comprehension. Your mind will be thinking about the sub-vocalization, not the material.

Tip Four: Use multiple rapid exposures to the material. The brain has an incredible capacity to recognize patterns and relationships of visual symbols at extremely high rates. Seeing something very fast more than once leads to recognition and then comprehension.

Tip Five: Ask questions of the material as you pass over it. Questions have a powerful impact on the mind. Questions seek answers. Allow your mind to start stringing things together. Use any clues you get to start forming a mental picture of the material.

Tip Six: Monitor your thinking. If your mind is not responding to the material below, or in front of your eyes, notice what you are thinking about, and then bring it back to the material. Constantly ask yourself, "What is this about?" When you speed up the eyes moving over the material, the mind will naturally become more engaged until you get to an overload point. When that happens, combine the above tips. The experienced speed reader can read in almost any environment with precision concentration. He/she has full control of the mind's focus.

Tip Seven: Practice, practice, and practice some more. Overcoming sub-vocalization is a tough habit to beat. Your old ways will easily slip back until you remind yourself to behave in new ways. Don't "practice" in materials that are important for you fully understand and retain. Comprehension and retention are a separate part of the process. Use materials that are interesting to you, but you don't need to master. You can work on comprehension and recall after you've reached a level of some comfort with the basic mechanics.

Overcoming sub-vocalization is only part of the process. There are other strategies and tactics in learning speed reading, such as the comprehension process and building memory and recall. All the above tips should be done together. However, the goal of overcoming sub-vocalization is not to quiet the mind. You do not want your mind to go to sleep. You want to replace sub-vocalization with your mind's response to the print. A skilled speed reader's mind is very active. It's not sounding out the words verbatim in the order of the printed sentence, but rather, you are summarizing as you go.

Minggu, 15 April 2018

Speed Reading is All in Your Mind! Really!

Speed Reading is All in Your Mind! Really!

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Speed Reading is All in Your Mind! Really!

Is speed reading a myth, or a method? Searching through the web for information on speed reading can lead to mass confusion, especially if you read the majority of posted views on non-commercial sites. The verdict from reviewing these personal experiences can cause an interested learner to have great doubts about the claims we see on the commercial sites. Why is there such great debate?

The reasons why there is great debate about the effectiveness of speed reading training are varied. They include: poorly designed training, misinformation based on outdated techniques that are packaged from public domain sources, lack of knowledge about the nature of reading from sellers who may have succeeded in learning the skills themselves, and a general misunderstanding about comprehension from both the providers of speed reading and the students of speed reading.

Without comprehension, you can not read. You may move your eyes through the material rapidly, but if you don't understand the material, then it has been a waste of time. That statement is true, unless it is part of a training technique that is part of a larger training process.

Most speed reading programs do not teach the comprehension process effectively. Many do not even address it and the entire program is about moving the eyes faster. These programs leave the learner with the assumption that with enough repetition comprehension will come along on its own. This is false. This creates disgruntled learners.

There are two components of reading whether you read fast or not. The first component is mechanical. Your eyes are the mechanical aspect of reading. Because of your old habits, if you read less than 600 words per minute (wpm), you are probably doing this inefficiently and you can benefit somewhat from training on this. The second component to reading is comprehension, or the cognitive aspect.

In learning to speed read, developing the cognitive aspect, or comprehension, is the bigger challenge. In fact, it is the reason why disgruntled speed reading trainees have negative views about the skill. If the training did not include an in-depth approach to comprehending then the criticism is well placed.

On the other hand, there is an important side to this debate that does fall on the shoulders of the learner. If comprehension is your mind's understanding of the text, then you have to learn how to drive your mind faster as you learn to move your eyes faster as well. Retraining your mind is much more difficult than training your eyes.

It doesn't happen by magic. Thus speed reading is actually all in your mind. Not only do you have to move your eyes faster, but you need to train your mind to think and perceive in faster and new ways.

Learning to perceive in new ways is a tricky path to navigate. The mind wants to resist this because it has been successful in keeping you "safe" as you are now. In other words, we get trapped in our habits. Change represents a threat. The mind protects you from the threat. Resistance is a natural response of the mind.

The key to successfully learning to speed read is not merely moving the eyes through print rapidly. The key to speed reading success is to use your mind in new ways as well. When you succeed at this transition, it is amazing how it affects all other aspects of your thinking and learning. It is not an easy transition, but is well worth the effort.

And now that you have learned perhaps one of the most critical aspects of mastering speed reading, I'd like to invite you to continue your learning with more free insightful tips at

Speed Reading Has No Use Without Comprehension

Speed Reading Has No Use Without Comprehension

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Speed Reading Has No Use Without Comprehension

Speed reading is a skill that is frequently overlooked. This skill is one that can help any range of people including students, proofreaders, and corporate executives. There is a proven correlation between increasing the rate of which you read to the rate of comprehension. Which means the faster you can read the more you comprehend the material and the slower your read the more you can suffer from lack of comprehension.

After reading a large book or block of text most people feel a sense of accomplishment and so you should but the level of comprehension is the real triumph. Since comprehension is what makes the materials you just read useful such as when a student takes the SAT exam or an employee is trying to run a new piece of equipment after just reading the manual it's the the material you comprehended and can recall that makes the materials worth reading.

If while training to read quicker the importance of comprehension is ignored then the final outcome of the training will be tainted.

A person with good comprehension skills are able to figure out a block of text and then recall the most important pieces of information. The fact is that the rate of which you can read doesn't have anything to do with what you retain. Many software and other programs will tell you the complete opposite. They insist that the faster you read the material the more increased your level of comprehension.

To make a fair attempt to achieve both speed and comprehension, then it's crucial to make sure you don't get lost in focusing on specific points in every block of text that you read. Doing this will only decrease your rate of which you read. On the other hand if you focus too much on "good" comprehension it will have the same affect.

Many try to achieve a faster rate of reading and a good level of comprehension, however due to an increase amount of stress their efforts go unrewarded. So it is important to keep in mind that when it comes to speed reading and higher levels of comprehension, relaxation is the key.

A good way to approach speed reading and comprehension exercises is to give attention to the function of reading and the effortless extraction of information. In the end, you will find that the brain will deliberately acquire the right information as you continue to practice speed reading. It is also suggested to read freely, as you will experience final results in comprehension and speed reading that are quite welcomed.

One of the first rules of speed reading that many programs will emphasize is to stop rereading material, as it only weakens the ability to fully comprehend. The overall journey of speed reading helps to improve the skill of comprehension because the mind becomes better able to search for the information in text that matters. Training the mind to read at a faster rate will aid in the sharpening of comprehension skills when an effective balance is achieved.

Overall, investing in a good speed reading program allows the brain to participate in a fulfilling mental activity. Everyday practice is important, as it ensures the skill does not go to waste.

Speed Reading Does Not Work!

Speed Reading Does Not Work!

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Speed Reading Does Not Work!

Does speed reading really work? No, it does not work! You work it. Now before you stop reading thinking, "that last statement is obvious," I'll ask you to stop and think for a moment. Most people think that reading is a passive activity. Passive readers are slow readers who often have great difficulty with reading comprehension. Highly effective readers on the other hand show great activity in several areas of the brain while reading under brain scanning machines.

Most people take reading for granted. Most people have not learned how to activate their brain to read well, not to mention to read quickly. The notion that reading is a passive activity is at the root this most commonly asked question - "Does speed reading work?"

Here are the most common steps to developing yourself as a speed reader:

1. Increase the efficiency of your eye movements. All speed reading programs aim to do this. However, most approaches do this in an unnatural manner. Ineffective programs focus on increasing eye span (the size of the area for each eye stop) from one word to several words across the line. The common approach is to extend the eye fixation horizontally or linearly across the line, usually referred to as "word clumps." Eye movement efficiency is essential, but the natural sight experience is dimensionally vertical as well as horizontal, extending about 1-3 inches in diameter. Rather than focus on the size of the word clump, effective speed readers focus on meaningful groups of words that the eyes see in a dimensional manner. Remember, the eyes are merely the mechanics. Most speed reading programs devote most of the training to the mechanics and little to comprehension.

2. Shift your perception of comprehension. Comprehension is understanding what you read while you are reading. To read in the thousands of words per minute range, requires a shift in your perception. Currently you understand the print as you take it in grammatical sequence. This approach has been the basis of your reading comprehension for your whole life. The new perceptual shift is to understand the meaning of the print without needing the grammatical sequence. Your eyes will see all the print, but not in grammatical order. Your brain can process the meaning without the grammatical sequence. There are times that you have already experienced this in non-reading situations, but you are currently not comfortable allowing your brain/mind to apply it to your reading. Mean know I what. That sentence is an example. At first you hesitate, but then your mind makes sense of it.

3. Pump it up! Speed reading training is similar to muscle training. It requires continuous conditioning exercises over time. As neuro-science has shown us over the past ten years, the brain is very elastic and pliable. It does and will improve with continuous exercise over time. Many brain trainers have documented amazing results when the participant diligently works with the brain "muscle" reconditioning. Any physical sport provides a useful analogy to training your brain to master speed reading. Are you willing to do the training for lasting results? Learning to speed read is like learning most any other skill. It does require repetitive practicing over some time.

4. Continuous Improvement. Once again the muscle training analogy is useful. Imagine that you trained yourself in a fitness program for a few months. You got to a level that you felt good and satisfied with your results. Then other things took central stage in your life and you stopped working out. Perhaps two months later (or even 2 weeks) you came back to your workout. You will find your muscles quickly lost the efficiency they had before the long break. However, the good news is that there is something called muscle memory. It won't be as hard. The same is true for speed reading. You must do continuous exercise and application to remain at the peak of your performance. Application on a regular basis is the path to long term mastery and effective habit creation.

Keeping these four steps in mind, you will effectively work the speed reading process. There is a "you" behind the techniques. That "you" is your brain/mind applying the techniques in order to stimulate and monitor your reading process. To succeed requires your minds attention and response. Again, speed reading does not work. You work it. As you learn to apply your mind consciously while using the techniques, you will become a speed reading master.

Now that you know this secret, I invite you to learn more with our free tips and ebook at

Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child

Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child

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Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child

Learning to read is one of the most important skills a child must master in the early years of schooling.

Comprehension skills, such as finding the main idea, recalling facts and details and finding word meaning within a sentence, have to be practised and understood. Interacting with a text and determining what an author's message is, takes effort on the reader's behalf.

One advanced reading skill is the ability to interpret the figurative language the author uses. These are the words or phrases that are not to be interpreted in their usual or the most basic sense. For example, if an author uses 'it's raining cats and dogs'; they mean it is raining heavily.

Authors use figurative language for effect and to persuade and to make the reader think.

Spare the rod and spoil the child is an example of how a saying that was once regarded as literal can be used as figurative language. It seems that many people still take the phrase literally. They see it as permission to hit their child or refrain from disciplining at all.

There is no excuse for physically punishing a child even though parents resort to doing so often due to frustration.

When we fail to discipline our child we are not preparing them to cope with life. We are sparing the rod. Without discipline a child will not get the best out of life.

The word discipline comes from the Latin word disciplina. It means: instruction given, teaching, learning, and knowledge. It is not about physical chastisement.

To discipline a child fairly and lovingly, a parent has to have self discipline. An undisciplined parent will not raise a disciplined child. We have all seen children out of control and wonder why the parents won't discipline them.

Students, who come from homes where there is no guidance, are not happy. I have also seen the disrespect children have for parents who let them run wild.

The role of parenting is challenging. However, a concerned parent knows that discipline is necessary for a child's happiness and well being. It is as important as nutritious food, exercise, formal education and fun. Lack of appropriate discipline can make a child angry, unhappy and resentful and lonely.

Undisciplined children do not have many friends. For school-age children in particular, learning how to manage their own behavior and regulate their negative impulses is particularly crucial.

Learning how to manage their behavior, consider others, work in teams and manage negative impulses, are all life skills a child needs to have for school and educational success. They learn discipline at home, if they are lucky, from disciplined parents, who were taught the skills by their parents.

Discipline is not about creating conflict. It is not about control. It is about anticipating a child's needs, respecting them and setting a good example. It involves time and energy and focuses on the child's development.

If a child behaves because they fear retaliation from a parent, they will not develop self-discipline.

Parents who love their child are willing to learn child rearing strategies to give their child security.

Children do understand when they have done something wrong. They do understand that behavior has consequences. Being confronted by a loving adult, and dealing with the circumstances of their misbehavior, is a positive not negative experience.

Many parents are frightened of their child. This is a very serious situation. Mothers, in particular, receive the brunt of their child's misbehavior. If this is happening in your home, you must first get help for yourself and learn how to deal with your child. It won't get better as your child grows.

Disciplining a child is not easy. Children do have tantrums. It takes consistency on the parents' behalf to manage their own reactions and a discipline plan to resort to in difficult situations.

Making house rules non negotiable, helps the child understand that life has boundaries and rules.

Raising a disciplined child is about, consequences not punishment, controlled expression of anger, setting boundaries, respect, positive not negative instructions, and finding out what is behind the behavior.

It also includes allowing a child to discuss their thoughts and feelings.

Biblical wisdom (Proverb 22:6) says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: even when he is old he will not depart from it."

That applies to the lovingly disciplined child as well as the undisciplined child.

Parents have the most important role of all in their child's life.

Who you are will most probably be reflected in your child.

Some Interesting Facts about Judaism & Jewish

Some Interesting Facts about Judaism & Jewish

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Some Interesting Facts about Judaism & Jewish

One the most ancient nation, which has reached nowadays, is Jews. They has played a significant role in the history of mankind.

Jews is a common, ethnic name of ancient Semitic race. According to Hebrew law, a person is considered to be Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish or if he become Jew by himself accordance with the rules. (Contemporary American - Jewish reformist movement considers a person as Jews even if he has Jewish father and non-Jewish mother, if a child is taught only with the Jewish traditions - the rules).

If Jews terminate performance of Judaic traditions he is still considered a Jew, even if according Jewish law a person denies principles of Jewish faith and become an agnostic. The same law proves that the recipient of other religious is still considered as a Jew but in this case a person loses the status in all Jewish communities.

Judaism is a religion of Jewish nation. The main determinant of Judaism is that it recognizes one God and that God is one creator of the world. In most languages, the term "Hebrew"and "Judaica" are designated by one term and does not have differentiate during the conversation. Approximately the last 2000 years, a practical following of Judaism was not monolithic: it had no central government mental and no dogmas. However, every variation of Judaism remained closely connection with some religious principles, which are the only essential, omniscient, powerful, totally gracious and invisible (Solving of Transcendental) faith in God, who created the world and continues to rule. According Judaic thinking world creator with Old Testament made a connection with Judaic nation, when God shared with them laws and commandments.

These are intimately connected with the history of the Judaic people and given the biblical books.

Thus, Judaism is historical and national religion. The term "Judaism" comes from the tribe with name Judah (Judah). It was one of the twelve tribes of Judaic nation. This tribe survived after disaster in ancient times when king of ashuris conquered Judaic north kingdom and exiled them in different cities of kingdom. Since that time Jewish nation has existed as one tribe Judah. The name Judaical on European languages comes from this occasion. Judaism is based on the biblical books - which consists of three parts. Nation is scattered in different countries and Jewish religion, family and social life is regulate by other than the fundamental religion book (Torah), from generation to generation orally conveyed "Agad" and "Halakah". These were finally recorded and they made a part of "Talmud."

Jews reside in different countries and they are engaged in common economic, social - political and cultural life. The Jewish nation has a great cultural heritage. Their achievements in various fields are well-known World. Its easy to say that from beginning of world politic and ending with art from every 10 musicians, artists and architects; 6 are Jews.

Jews work has the great demand all over the world. Its measure of quality. Even the fact, that this ancient nation exists today and they restored their lost government from zero is enough. Its a measure of quality. Nowadays development of new technology allows people to get these items easier. A person can buy them by visiting online Judaica stores.

Judaica stores often offer to people special Jewish gifts as their faithful customers. But a person can also directly visit motherland and enjoy the sights of these places which were eye-witness of humanity historys facts. You can cognize it antiquity, take the road which was passed by Jesus, see Calvary mountain and church which was built on it. You can also visit Judaica stores there and buy desired Judaica souvenir or something else what you really want.

Jumat, 13 April 2018

Smudging and Smudge Sticks for Health and Aromatherapy

Smudging and Smudge Sticks for Health and Aromatherapy

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Smudging and Smudge Sticks for Health and Aromatherapy

Many of us have used smudge sticks for years and felt it's many benefits. Smudging is such a common, continuous practice that it almost seems modern. Yet smudging is a practice so ancient that we don't know just when or how it came to be. Perhaps quite by chance or by internal inspiration people have come to realize that the smoke from burning particular herbs had emotional, cognitive, and even physical benefits. Modern science has proven that the smoke from some herbs have cleansing effects changing the molecular structure of air and energy. In fact the aroma of sage has been found to actually increase the oxygen supply to the brain and also produce a physical relaxation of muscle tension.

We have come to experience that smudging has a purification benefit for our bodies, our living space and our consciousness. Some of us have come to believe that the smoke from burning some herbs acts like a messenger to realities and energies beyond our conscious comprehension and understanding. People from China, India, Asia, Europe and, of course, Native Americans have used smoke from herbal mixtures in their healing and spiritual rituals.

Many of us have come to realize the benefits of a soothing bath or shower to cleanse and refresh our bodies as well as experiencing the emotional feeling of well being from the cleaning. We have found that the use of water changes the structure of our physical and emotional energy pattern. Like water, the use of smudge sticks, a blend of certain herbs, for smudging is equally effective. Like the Native cultures around the world, we have found that the burning of herbs for spiritual, psychic, and emotional purification helps us relax and feel the balance of our physical and emotional energy. The rational for how smudging works, is that the smoke molecules from the herbals blends being burned, attaches to the negative energy and clears it away or actually changes the molecular structure of the energy.

Our sense of smell connects us to a deep instinctual part of our brain. We have all experienced this with the use of other forms of aromatherapy. Smudging is very effective aromatherapy form and very useful when we have been feeling depressed, angry, fearful, frustrated, resentful, grief or unwell. We have also found it to be useful when we have experienced irritation and conflict in our relationships. In fact, a space, e.g. a room, can also be "cleansed" of this uncomfortable energy. In addition, we can use smudging to enhance a celebration, special occasion, or ceremony. Smudging can help us experience a relaxed, open, meditative, and calm state .

Sage is the herb we most commonly use for smudging. The botanical name for sage is salvia which is from the Latin root savare meaning to heal. Smudge sticks usually made of white or another variety of sage or a are a blend of sage and another herb. Lavender is well known in aromatherapy practice, as a calming, soothing, balancing aroma. Lavender when combined with sage in a smudge stick provides wonderful benefit and experience. Cedar is a traditional cleansing herb used by Native people. The "spirit" or energy of cedar is considered to be very ancient and powerful. Cedar can also be bundled with sage to create a wonderful smudge stick. Sweetgrass is a toll wild grass with a musty, sweet aroma. Sweetgrass is often woven into braids similar to braiding hair and used for smudging as a single herb. Sweetgrass has a wonderful essential oil quality that contributes to it's burning slowly. Sweetgrass has beome rare in the wild because of development. Sweetgrass aroma promotes a very meditative, open conscious awareness. Sweetgrass is often used after the cleansing benefits of sage or cedar. However, blending and bundling sweetgrass with sage in a single smudge stick, provides an awesome aromatherapy and meditative experience.

There are various traditions and patterns of using smudge sticks. One powerful method when using a smudge stick is after lighting and adding the energy of breath to "fire" the embers, is to move the stick from foot to head on the left side of the body representing "female" aspect of receiving, then on the right side of the body representing the "male" aspect of taking action, than bringing the stick around the body clockwise representing bringing one's self into the "circle of life", and finishing with touching the stick to the floor/ground acknowledging Grandmother Earth and raising it above the head moving the stick in a circular manor acknowledging Grandfather Sky/Sun. When cleansing a space or an object, the smudge stick can be moved in a counterclockwise circle representing unwinding or undoing i.e. cleansing and releasing. Whatever tradition or pattern of ceremony or method of use of smudge sticks with which you are comfortable is quite acceptable and beneficial.

When using smudge sticks, be sure to practice the commonsense considerations that you would whenever using something that involves fire and burning. Extinguishing the smudge stick with water will ruin the stick for further use. It is best to extinguish the smudge stick by "smothering" the embers in a cup, bowl, jar, or other nonflammable container.

Signal vs Power Integrity Why it Matters

Signal vs Power Integrity Why it Matters

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Signal vs Power Integrity Why it Matters

Comprehending the fundamentals of Signal Integrity (SI) and Power Integrity (PI) is indispensable when it comes to dealing with high-speed Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Nowadays, speed is one of the chief factors in assessing the functionality of a digital product.

In several designs, the PCB layout critically contributes to the overall functionality. In case of high-speed designs, the SI and PI factors are important in accomplishing optimum functionality of the overall system.

When the signal integrity issues surfaced up in the 1990s, it became clear that the term pure digital does not exist. At present, both the factors have their own issues, which directly contribute to the device failure at different design stages.

Thus, it is rational for the design engineers to consider the analog characteristics of a high-speed design of a PCB along with the digital parts. Analyzing both the factors is essential for having a successful high-speed design, as it gives valuable insight into the changes that the professionals should make to the design.

These two analyses would not be there if computing resources were countless, as the whole circuit would then need analysis only once for identifying and removing the issues. However, the resources are practically bound in terms of what can be simulated. 

Thus, analyzing both the realms is essential to resolve specific problems of particular categories. For example, in signal integrity, the crux is the transmission line from the transmitter to the receiver.

Herein, the traces above the planes are the focal point. These lines possess features such as delay and impedance, which determine how the I/O functionality works.

On the other hand, in power integrity analysis, the main focus is on the power and its distribution via the transmission planes. While a transmission line makes one examine only one direction, the transmission plane makes one assess the movement of energy in X and Y directions. As a result, the power integrity analysis is a bit difficult.

However, modeling at DC is simpler, as it involves computing the resistance of plane shapes and traces. When it comes to high frequencies, complex calculations are involved for evaluating the impedance between power and ground at different spots on the PDN.

The SI analysis makes it tangible to see how signals will act while passing through the PCB traces and other components. On the other hand, the PI analysis assesses the planes impedance and decoupling capacitance by examining the Power Delivery Network (PDN) of the design under consideration.

The goal of PI analysis is almost analogous to the SI analysis - to compute the impedance of a PDN. In case of SI, a traces impedance is matched to some value.

Here, the goal is also to remove issues regarding timing, signal quality, and crosstalk, which are also the main simulations that professionals perform. For PI analysis, the key simulations are decoupling, DC voltage drop, and noise analysis.

Another difference is that signal integrity assumes an almost perfect power supply but power integrity is yet to take into account the impact of switching signals. Thus, experts recommend simulating both the analyses concurrently. Doing so keeps exaggerated optimistic outcomes at bay.

With the further improvement in the modeling technology and computing ability, it is likely to be possible to simulate both integrity realms together. This will give a crystal clear comprehension regarding the behavior of circuits, types of margins in a design, and the means to gain the best possible functionality.

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Should a Woman be President

Should a Woman be President

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Should a Woman be President

Nowadays, it seems to be quite natural that a woman should be and can potentially be a President, since she does not differ either mentally or morally from a great number of men which traditionally dominate in politics and social life. It is obvious that a woman is also a useful member of the political society. Moreover, some political and philosophical concepts and views of a female leadership are more stable, informative and logical. In fact, this is the result of the observations based on the real life activities and experience than on political data and doctrine.
Before speaking about modern facts, I should draw your attention to the fact that our history knows a large quantity of women, who became the leaders of their countries, reached the highest points in the political ladder. Here are just simple examples, taken from Wikipedia: Indira Gandy (1917-1984) - the Prime minister of India (1966-1977 and 1980-1984), Violeta Chamorro - the President of Nicaragua and all of Latin America, Maria Estella Martinez de Peron the first woman President of Argentina (1974-1976), Margaret Thatcher the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain (1979-1990), Waira Wike-Freiberg the President of Latvia since 1999, Gloria Macapagal - the President of Philippines since 2001, Angela Merkel the chancellor of Germany since 2005. And here is only a small list of names that are noted in history.
Speaking about present day situation, it is worthy of mention a very famous woman, Hillary Clinton. Ferrous character and will have not allowed her to lose any serious battle in her life, she has got used to hold a blow and not to incline under the load of problems. Hillary is a very ambitious woman. In the American political life, Hillary looks like a bright and outstanding figure. She has energetic, full of enthusiasm supporters and no less sharp adjusted opponents.
Speaking about her foreign policy, observers underline that Clinton started to promote her own position that is different from that of the current administration not by chance, and it is not because the rate of republicans falls down day by day. Not entirely right policy of republicans is the primary goal of her appearance on political arena. In most of her interviews, Hillary Clinton criticizes the foreign policy of George Bush in Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea and Iran. As for Iraq, she supposes that the gradual withdrawal of the American troops is absolutely necessary. By the way, she underlines that the protection of human rights is in our interests just to move forward the freedom and principles of democracy. Moreover, she is sure that they should restore the relations between other countries (cited in The American Conservative, March27,2006)
She correctly describes the world we live in: development of terrorists network; growth of weapon supplies; situation in North Korea, openly testing rockets and nuclear weapon; active position of Iran, elaborative own nuclear potential; civil war in Iraq etc (The American Conservative, March27,2006). She earnestly underlines (, Oct.31, 2006):
First, and most obviously, we must by word and deed renew
internationalism for a new century. We must value diplomacy
as well as a strong military. We should not hesitate to
engage in the worlds most difficult conflicts on a
diplomatic front.
That is why, agreeing with her policy, seventy percents of the American electors are ready to give their votes for the candidate of female sex on presidential elections of 2008, and 62 percents consider that a woman can govern America (cited in ABC News, Sept.27,2005). Geena Davis portrayed this question in ABC drama, saying:
I think we should just be talking about the person who is
the president, rather than their sex.
Greater part of electors has already determined with their sympathies and they are absolutely sure that democratic senator from the state New York Hillary Clinton, who has lived in the White house for eight years though in other status, must be on the post of the president. Others, traditionally voting for republicans, offer the Secretary of State Condolisa Rice as a candidate on the presidential arm-chair. But it is up to voters to decide as their general policy and leadership of these two female candidates are absolutely opposite, because Condolisa Rice is the main Bushs sticker.
Comparing Hillary Clinton with other female leaders I should say that her political views and directions are respectively right. For example, one more woman, one more strong character Margaret Thatcher. Certain political, ideological and moral options, which were conducted or aimed to conduct by Margaret Thatcher, and also her specific style of guidance here are the key success of this woman. Here political philosophy is also interesting. Its base is made up by several elements. It is an apologetics of free enterprise and personal initiative. A direct financial benefit, desire to "arrange life as good as possible on your own and for the family" is one of the stimulus that Thatcher described. Being on the post of the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher undertook energetic efforts on the reformation of the British economy and whole society. Many state companies were privatized with the purpose of increase of economy efficiency. In numerous conflicts, Thatcher showed herself as a decisive politician and a great leader of the state, involving all of soldiery and diplomatic possibilities, for renewal of sovereignty of Great Britain.
Thatcher deserved a nickname "iron lady" thanks to her decisive actions for the inflexible following of a selected course, in spite of verbal attacks and criticism.
But all in all, the common idea is that a woman-president will manage much better with problems in a social sphere, especially in health protection and educational system, than a man. Speaking about defense, no doubt a woman is trusted not greatly, but it does not mean that a woman gains no understanding in martial law. Anyway, sex or it is better to say gender does not matter in this case.
The picture of presidential elections points out a long train of womanish victories in different countries: Angel Merkel in Germany, Waira Wike-Freiberg in Latvia, Gloria Macapagal on Philippines. As the experience of the last years shows, women win quite often on the elections in the states, where authoritarian leaders governed for a long time or civil cold war took place, for example on Philippines, in Indonesia, Nicaragua, finally, in Chile and Liberia.
However, the womanish charm only is not enough for victory: a candidate for a presidency must have a successful career equally competing with men. All the listed names of female Presidents are those women, who have the common idea of governing their country. They mostly fight for reconstruction of relations between countries, normalizing of economic situation and of course, extermination of problems in the sphere of health care and education. That is why, hoping that a woman will smooth out contradictions in the society better than a man, people vote for a woman.
So summing everything said before and all the facts, I can say that this information gives a clear portrait of a modern woman leader of a country and proves that every highly educated woman having a goal and aspiration for reaching it can become a bright head of the state.
But there is still one more question: "Should a woman be a President?". To my mind the concept of woman president is something speculative, going beyond the generally accepted rules and at the best subject to the theoretical and philosophical comprehension. Our society is still hardened in the patriarchal character. That is why this concept is examined as an exception and it sis often not mentioned in general.
According to objective tests of possibility, a woman does not have limitations for implementation of duties of a president. Moreover, some researches, conducted by scientists showed that in a number of cases a womanish paradigm of management, based on the non-hierarchical system, is lying on the ground before masculine. A woman generates more strong connections, comes from "life logic", she has close connection with nature that is especially important at the beginning of the XXI century, when a question of planet survival sharply stands before us.
However, all these facts have never been taken into account, but the point is that considerably higher requirements were preferred to a woman at all levels of management. So, it is obvious that to reach a Presidency in any case, in any country and under different circumstances is quite difficult for any woman of the state.

Kamis, 12 April 2018

See How to Fabricate DIY Solar Panels for a Building

See How to Fabricate DIY Solar Panels for a Building

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See How to Fabricate DIY Solar Panels for a Building

A photovoltaic solar panel is a device that converts sun light into electrical power. These are known by a scientific name 'Photovoltaic' and consist of a gallery of photovoltaic cells. Numerous cells are spread over a good sized space and they interact to generate electricity.

DIY solar panels have grown to be becoming common intended for personal use. The shared comprehension and common equipment have placed this electrical energy producing resource at the disposal of property owners around the world. It is both low-priced and does not demand a lot of expertise to assemble.

Small maintenance in addition to negligible wear and tear are unquestionably big advantages as compared with some other electrical power sources. Though, photovoltaic contains the weakness that as the length from the sunshine increases, the amount of electricity made through the cell diminishes rapidly.

It's a pretty exciting technology to be aware how solar energy panels change the sun's rays into electricity. Solar cells are attached to a circuit using wire connections. Each cell is made up of semiconductor materials such as Silicon. While sunlight strikes the semiconductor, it gets transformed straight to electrical energy.

The electricity that is created then flows in the circuit along the connected electrical wires. The power will be created for however long as sun light exists. As the sun's rays ends, the energy that is generated by a photovoltaic solar panel goes down a great deal. A photovoltaic solar panel stops making electrical power whenever the sun sets and it no longer draws any sunshine.

The procedure of setting up DIY solar panels is relatively easy. Photovoltaic or pv systems are made using Gallium Arsenide. They are then sent into a cylinder that's then separated into solar cells. The photovoltaic cells are at some point attached to the remaining power network. Solar Concentrators will be then applied on top of the cells to focus the sunshine. They absolutely are an integral piece and they employ lenses which catch light and additionally directs it towards a targeted point.

The aforementioned Solar Concentrators features the ability to refract the sun's rays while keeping the light on a certain point. The pv cells may then be located a distance from each other as the sun's rays can still be aimed at every single cell. What this means is less cells are needed in every panel and thus brings down the price.

Solar power systems now have a lot of uses. They're quite often be placed as traffic signs, call boxes in addition to basically about every light applications. They are gaining great recognition as they give a unpolluted, organic and natural technique of making renewable energy. Solar power systems are definitely an affordable way of conserving electricity along with assisting to save our planet from global warming.

Religious Discrimination in Employment Setting

Religious Discrimination in Employment Setting

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Religious Discrimination in Employment Setting

Freedom of Religion

Like any other rights, a right to religion is enshrined as a basic human right that should be respected. In consonance to the right to religion is the freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is generally recognized by many nations and international instrumentalities as a basic human right.

Within the context of the freedom of religion include the choice to follow, or not to, or to change a religion. Religious freedom encompasses the freedom of people to observe religious practices, manifest, believe or worship religious dogma and teachings.
Religious discrimination

Most countries or authorities, nowadays tend to stress freedom of religion. Various international conventions were waged respecting this concern to the point of creating a consultative body in order to address the issue on religious discrimination.

Charges of religious discrimination have been applied to governmental, social, and educational policies. Within the list is religious discrimination on the workplace.

Under the United States Federal Law (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) as well as various state laws, among others prohibits workplace discrimination based on religion. The prohibition extends to all aspects of employment, from the recruitment, hiring, promotion, giving out benefits, training, work duties, and until termination.

In this context, the same law prohibits any kind of workplace harassment on religious grounds.

The real situations

It is often difficult to find out exactly why a person was not hired, was dismissed, was not promoted for a job and was not given due benefits. It is hard to draw the line in determining the discriminatory actuations. It is all a case-to-case basis and is situational.

At most, a full explanation and comprehension of the employers reason would be required before you can determine whether the actions were discriminatory.

In real situations, laws against religious discrimination had a seemingly contradictory effect in the workplace.

Contradictions can be gleaned in the provisions of various non-discriminatory laws, which provide prohibitions, allowances or accommodations and exceptions respecting religious practices in the workplaces. These contradictions have relatively affected job-related decisions.

Legal options

Despite the relative loopholes and contradiction of some non-discriminatory laws, it must be emphasized that discrimination in the workplace based on religious grounds is proscribed by law.

When discriminatory practices were readily apparent in all aspect of employment, the victim can take steps to protect their rights.

Particularly in Universal City and other areas in California, a powerless employee who has been discriminated has the option of filing a complaint with the proper agency like the State Fair Employment Practices Agency (FEPA) or may contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for guidance with your case.

In this event, a qualified employment lawyer is priceless when this illegal activity needs to be corrected.

In Universal City, where several business establishments were in circulation, the employee who felt being discriminated on religious grounds should take the advice and representation of an employment lawyer.

Universal City employment lawyers are very keen in approaching their clients claims. They have a well-honed knowledge on all aspect of employment law litigation.

Whether, an impending battle is with the courts or before the various administrative agencies tasked to hear cases of this sort, the Universal City employment lawyers can readily represent any claim.

Reading Comprehension Strategies For Kindergarten Teach Children How To Read

Reading Comprehension Strategies For Kindergarten Teach Children How To Read

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Reading Comprehension Strategies For Kindergarten Teach Children How To Read

Reading Comprehension Strategies For Kindergarten: Teach Children How To Read

Literacy begins with listening and speaking. "Reading and writing", said educationalist James Britton, "Float on a sea of talk." Good talkers and listeners are more likely to become good readers and writers. I cannot emphasis this enough. Reading begins with listening and responding to sounds and the human voice. Reading, speaking and writing are all connected.

It is difficult to develop one without the other. Start talking to your baby as soon as they are born. Babies love the sound of their mother's voice most of all. Listen to music and stories from day one. Have music and stories playing in the background while you carry out everyday activities. But not the TV the content of which you have no control over and which may distract you from engaging with your baby.

What can you do to teach your child to read? Is it possible to make your child become a fast and fluent reader?

To learn the advanced strategies to teach your child to read at a proficient level, simply click here.

Think of your baby as your best friend and chat away as you would to a god friend. Make a music, rhymes and story CD collection of great nursery rhymes and good stories. Listen to them often.

It has been proven that babies and children who listen to Mozart have more brain activity that those who do not listen to it. The music of Mozart has an effect on the brainwave patterns and makes it easier to learn while listening. Try it with your baby. It is great music and my children loved it.

Teach baby to read from birth. This is the best time to start. Join the Public Library. There are so many fabulous books available and your child will read so many with you that you MUST join the library. You can buy some favorite books and build up a small home library. But the library is the best place to get an unlimited supply of great books and CD's.

Use children's TV sparingly. It is a passive experience which can dull the brain to a mush! Look at the programs carefully and pick one or two really good ones which have a rich language content and are visually bright and stimulating. Never use the TV as a baby sitter! You should have your baby with you and be chatting or listening to music or story.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover how you can teach your child to read in just 12 weeks. Children who learn to read and develop fluent reading abilities early on has a huge advantage over their peers who did not have the opportunity to learn to read early. I think this is something that all parent should put to consideration seriously. If you believe that teaching your child to read and helping your child develop proficient reading skills is the key to future success, and if you wish to help your children develop to their fullest potential... then I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page - Click Here

English varies in accent, colloquialism and even grammar in different countries of the world, yet the methods used to teach your child to read remain the same and will be naturally adapted to your country and region.

However, unlike languages like Finnish and Greek where there is a one-to-one correspondence between a letter and its sound and where children read automatically after a few months of schooling, English has many different rules, pronunciations and foreign words that require a more unique method of teaching.

A reading method

When you are teaching your child to read, no matter which country or region you are in, whether in Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, South Africa or in the Caribbean, all that is required is a simple reading method that will have your child reading a book within a very short time.

Children have an innate learning ability that you will tap into to teach them to read and no matter which country you are from, cultivating their reading confidence early on is of prime importance.

Reading makes your child SMARTER, here's how to develope early reading skills

Children read words like symbols

Children learn to read words like symbols and can memorise large amounts of information. For example, by having them memorise the most common words in the English language, you can have them reading more than half of everything that is written in English.

The pronunciation of the words will vary according to the country and area where you live, but the method of learning remains the same. By teaching your child to read their first 100 words visually you begin to build their confidence and ignite a love for reading. Once your child is able to read their first book and enjoy the reading process, they will be ready for you to teach them phonics.

In this again, the rules of English remain the same, it is only the pronunciation that will change; if a patois is spoken in your country (the Caribbean for example), the words still remain the same, but the arrangement of the grammar will change.

Thus, reading remains universal throughout all English speaking countries with only minor differences in pronunciation and grammar.

When you are teaching your child to read the only thing you need concern yourself with is to find and use a system that allows you the flexibility to use your own pronunciation, grammar and themes to suit your and your child's needs. Learning to read English is the same worldwide; you simply need the right reading method and your child will do the rest, and astound you in the process.

67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level! According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, of those 67%, 33% read at just the BASIC level, and 34% CANNOT even achieve reading abilities of the lowest basic level! To discover a fantastic system for helping children learn to read that has been used by countless parents just like you, visit Best Technique to Teach a Child to Read

Teaching very young children to read is not a simple process, but it doesn't have to be difficult either. With a simple step-by-step reading program, you too, can teach your child to read at an early age and help your child achieve superb reading skills. To discover a super simple and powerful reading program that will show you how to easily teach your child to read - Click Here

Did you know that most American children may not learn to read as well as they should?

Consider these facts about American education:

*Our children rank close to the bottom in math and science when compared to international scores.

*Our educational system has lower standards for our public schools, yet budgets for education and, of course, taxes seemingly grow continuously over time.

*Our current methods for teaching children how to learn to read are faulty and have increased the number of students who suffer from learning disorders.

*Our SAT verbal scores have descended into historic lows. In fact, it has been estimated that there are more than 11 million functionally illiterate adults in America today.

Why Has America Fallen Behind Other Industrialized Nations When It Comes To Education?

There is no foundation more important to education than learning how to read. Reading is the cornerstone of knowledge and wisdom. Without a solid understanding of how to read and comprehend words, children cannot properly read the books that are so fundamental in their perception of the world around them. They cannot study decently. They cannot develop to their full potential.

It's obvious that a child's ability to learn to read is vastly influential upon the success of his or her life. So why can't America get its act together and teach its children to read as fluently as other industrialized nations?

The reason is simple. There are basically two main methods used in the United States for teaching children how to learn to read, but both of these methods have serious shortcomings that have not been properly addressed.

Method #1: The Phonics Method

The phonics method is the most widely known method for teaching children to learn to read. Basically, children must first learn the alphabet by memorizing the letters and the sounds that they make. Once students are familiar with each letter's sound, they are taught to blend two letters together, and then three letters, and so on.

There are multiple problems with this method. One of the main problems is that learning these letters and their accompanying sounds is usually highly boring for such young children, so they often lose interest. Often, the children are so focused on sounding out each letter that they do not get around to learning the meaning of the word. For example, Amy may be able to figure out the word "cat" by slowly sounding out each letter as "cuh-aaa-tuh," but she may not actually understand that she is pronouncing the word "cat."

Another significant problem with using the phonics method is that, while most consonants have only one possible sound, all of the vowels can be long or short. When confronting a new word, it is hard for many adults to decide which vowel sound to use. Imagine the frustration for a young child who is just beginning to learn the rules of reading! When children experience this difficulty in discerning which vowel sound is correct, it is common for them to begin to feel that reading is a chore; in fact, they may even begin to resent having to learn at all!

Children who cannot read proficiently by grade 3 are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proficient readers - Here's How to Teach Your Child to Read Fluently

Method #2: The Whole Word Method (a.k.a. The "Look-Say" Method)

With this method children are taught to recognize entire words or sentences rather than individual letters. Instead of teaching children how to sound out words, this way forces them to learn through rote memorization.

In fact, the look-say method was developed in the early 1800s, and it was originally designed to help deaf children to learn to read. While it does seem to be effective for deaf individuals, why use it to teach those who don't have hearing disabilities?

The New "Syllabics Method" May Be The Solution!

We can avoid the problems associated with both the phonics method and the whole word method by implementing the new syllabics method. This method for teaching children to learn to read includes focusing on a single syllable at a time, not just one letter and not the entire word. Any English syllable usually contains both a consonant and a vowel, although words such as "a" and "I" only contain a vowel. This will make it obvious to children when to use a long vowel and when to use a short one, without having to memorize each word one at a time. In fact, this extremely effective method requires almost no memorization, and children can quickly learn to read more than 1200 of the most common words in English.

Many in-service teachers are not knowledgeable in the basic concepts of the English language. They do not know how to address the basic building blocks of language and reading. - This is NOT a statement that we are making, rather, this is a finding from a study done at the Texas A&M University. Their study was aptly titled "Why elementary teachers might be inadequately prepared to teach reading." To discover the scientifically proven methods, that will enable you to teach your child to read, and help your child become a fast and fluent reader, visit Approaches to Teaching Reading

Learning to read is a long process, but it doesn't have to be a difficult process. Broken down into intuitive and logical steps, a child as young as two years old can learn to read, and older children can accomplish even more. For a simple, step-by-step program that can help your child learn to read - Click Here

Phonics has been around for over a hundred years so it has passed the test of time. The other approaches to teaching reading seem to come and go. The whole language approach was very popular a few years ago and all it managed to do was lower the literacy rate. But because of its colorful books and intelligent stories it will always be available.

To teach reading I start with phonics then move onto the beautiful colored books with the good stories. Even teaching phonics can get complicated as there are many approaches to teaching reading with phonics. Nowadays we have the computer and the internet with a number of very good computer based online phonics courses.

The online phonics approaches to teaching reading that I have used are very good. You leave your kid alone in front of the computer and the computer teaches your kids. But you have to bring in the whole language books to see how much your children have really learnt.

I prefer an offline program that has been teaching kids for over a 100 years. We are talking about the Montessori approach to teaching reading. Montessori uses a combination of sandpaper letters and phonics and it is very effective, but you the parent have to be involved. You have to be there to teach your kids or an older child who can already read can set up the words and phonic sounds.

What are the chances that my child will be a poor reader? Find out here!

There are many approaches to teaching reading but you have to find the approach your child likes as they are learning to read. I think Phonics is possible the best method for teaching, and it is now making a serious comeback after it has been decided that the whole language method is not it is all cracked up to be. This situation has happened before but we always return to phonics.

The main problem with trying to find out which reading method is the best is that the best students will learn to read no matter what method is used. So we have to look at the problem readers and find out what method is best suited to them. And phonics usually comes up on top because phonics are a roadmap to reading. It gives you a code to follow so you can say the written word the same way that it is spoken. Then after you hear yourself read the word correctly you know the sound of the word then you know the meaning.

That is the basics behind phonics, but it not that simple. Your child has to learn all 44 phonic sounds then the combinations. Problems do arise when one phonic sound is the same in many different words that are spelt differently. So writing becomes a problem. I prefer to use the Montessori approach to reading with phonics and sandpaper letters because when you child is tracing the sandpaper letters she is actually writing. Then you will suddenly find that your child will start to write by herself. How accurate her spelling is depends on how many sandpaper words she has mastered, so keep adding more and more sandpaper letters

Poor reading ability and literacy skills lead to reduced opportunities in life, and worse yet, "being illiterate is a guaranteed ticket to a dead end life with no skills and no future." For a step-by-step, easy to follow, and easy to understand lessons along with stories, rhymes, and colorful illustrations to make you and your child's learning to read process a fun, engaging, and rewarding experience - Click Here

When reading to your child, read slowly, and point to the words that you are reading to help the child make a connection between the word your are saying and the word you are reading. Always remember that reading should be a fun and enjoyable activity for your children, and it should never feel like a "chore" for them. Click here to help your child learn to read

Rabu, 11 April 2018

Questions to Ask for Reading Comprehension

Questions to Ask for Reading Comprehension

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Questions to Ask for Reading Comprehension

This article will focus on Bloom's Taxonomy of other words, kinds of questions to ask in order to assure reading comprehension and foster higher-level thinking.

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom identified six levels of intellectual behavior important in learning. Students should be asked questions from EACH level. Think of a six-level pyramid with knowledge at the lowest level and evaluation at the highest level.

1. Knowledge - This is the recall of specific information whether it be dates, events, places, ideas, or any subject matter. Use words such as these to ask for this kind of information: list, define, tell, describe, who, what, and where.

Example Questions - Who was Goldilocks? Define the Olympic Motto. Make a timeline of events.

2. Comprehension - This is an understanding of what was read and includes interpreting facts, comparing and contrasting, and predicting consequences. Use words such as these to ask for this kind of information: summarize, estimate, discuss, predict, interpret, and associate.

Example Questions - What is the story about?(Main Idea) How does drug use affect competition? Write a summary report of an event.

3. Application - This is the use of information, methods, concepts, and theories in new situations. Use words such as these to ask for this kind of information: apply, demonstrate, illustrate, solve, modify, and change.

Example Questions - How were the bears in Goldilocks like real people? Modify an Olympic sport for the Paralympics. Dress a doll in a national costume.

4. Analysis - This is the comparison of the content to your own personal experiences and includes seeing patterns, identifying components, and recognizing hidden meanings. Use words such as these to ask for this kind of information: analyze, separate, order, classify, divide, and explain.

Example Questions - How did each bear react to what Goldilocks did? Contrast Olympic athletes of today with those of the past. Make a family tree showing relationships.

5. Synthesis - This is the creative level - using old ideas to create new ones - and consists of generalizing from given facts, relating knowledge from several areas, and drawing conclusions. Use words such as these to ask for this kind of information: combine, integrate, substitute, create, invent, and compose.

Example Questions - Make a diorama of the bears' house and the forest. When does sport become a business? Compose a rhythm or write a parody.

6. Evaluation - This is the judgement of characters, actions, and outcomes for personal reflection and understanding and includes recognizing subjectivity, verifying the value of evidence, and making choices based upon logic. Use words such as these to ask for this kind of information: grade, convince, support, recommend, measure, and conclude.

Example Questions - Do you think Goldilocks will listen to her mother's warnings from now on? Why? Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Olympics and recommend changes. Form a panel to discuss views on an important issue.

To review, then, ask questions incorporating all levels of thinking to insure understanding and encourage a high level of thinking.

I hope these ideas are useful and inspire your own creative thinking.

And remember...Reading is FUNdamental!


1. Learning Skills Program - Bloom's Taxonomy;
2. Comprehension: Bloom's Taxonomy;

Pros and Cons of a Dental Assistant Diploma

Pros and Cons of a Dental Assistant Diploma

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Pros and Cons of a Dental Assistant Diploma

Becoming a dental assistant has its ups and downs and if you are planning to take a dental assistant certificate course anytime soon, its the perfect time to know what these are. Understandably, you wouldnt want to waste your time and money for something you would lose interest in the moment you realize its not what youre expecting it to be. So lets take a look at what dental assistants really go through and see for yourself if one of the fastest growing careers of the decade is right for you.

The Pros:

Excellent job outlook. The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is adamant in its figures that through 2018, qualified dental assistants will enjoy a brilliant job outlook. Outside the U.S. is a booming dental tourism industry where plenty of jobs exist for dental assistant courses graduates too.

Its a stable job with decent salary and benefits. Most dental assistants are employed full time with excellent benefits often enjoyed by workers in the health industry. Those who are paid by the hour are looking into $16/hr although salaries vary widely by location and respective dental office.

Plenty of opportunities if you want to do a career switch. As a dental assistant, you become exposed to the functions of other professionals in this field such as those of a dentist, a hygienist or a dental product sales representative. It would be easier for you to learn the ropes of your next career.

The Cons:

You are not the dentist, not even the hygienist. You will be performing many responsibilities that many dentists do such as making impressions and sterilizing instruments but still, you are not allowed to perform everything a hygienist or dentists do like teeth cleaning or applying veneers.

Your day depends on the dentists and patients moods. Many times, you will have to deal with dentists who are hard to please and patients that are not, hmm, too patient. As a dental assistant, you have to face all types of moods and remain helpful and composed.

Further education is necessary if you want to move up. In time, you have to possess more than a dental assistant diploma for you to enjoy career growth and higher salary. Many dental assistants become hygienists or receive permission to perform dental radiological procedures with additional trainings, certifications and examinations. With years of studying and training, you can become a dentist too!

Powerful Praxis Practice Test Preparation Tips From Coaching Experts

Powerful Praxis Practice Test Preparation Tips From Coaching Experts

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Powerful Praxis Practice Test Preparation Tips From Coaching Experts

When it comes to mastering your Praxis practice test, you don't want just another boring article detailing test-taking knowledge that's completely obvious. No, you want the hints, strategies and secrets that have been gleaned straight from the experts themselves - the makers of a high-quality Praxis guide!

Let's face it - this exam will be one of the most important tests you'll ever take in your life. Passing the test doesn't just mean that you'll finally achieve the teaching career that you've always dreamed about. It means that you'll finally be in the position to change the lives of hundreds of students!

Acing a Praxis practice test doesn't always come down to sheer knowledge; in fact, many exam experts agree that if you have these ultimate strategies and secrets under your belt, you'll be that much closer to your dream career as a teacher. So get ready to learn the ultimate test preparation tips from the Praxis guide experts - and get ready to finally have a classroom of your own!

Get To Know How The Praxis Exam Is Scored. Many test takers are under the impression that a wrong answer will suck away valuable points from their test scores. Contrary to popular belief, you're not penalized for guessing on the Praxis practice test.

However, that doesn't mean you should take a wild guess on questions when you don't know the answer. Instead, eliminate the answers that you know to be wrong and only then take an educated guess. Don't ever leave an answer blank, as a few well-strategized guesses could net you valuable Praxis test points.

Get A Schedule Prepared Based On Test Dates. Test takers who are well-prepared will pick one of the many test dates that give them plenty of time to prepare for the exam. Find out if a potential job requires you to take the Praxis exam by a certain date; if it doesn't, go for test dates that give you a few months to prepare. It might be tempting to get the test over with as soon as possible, but you'll risk delaying your teaching career - and that lucrative salary - by another year!

Understand The Importance Of Reading Comprehension. Learning how to quickly and effectively read and comprehend test passages will not only earn you plenty of valuable testing time; it can even help your overall test score by netting you more correct answers.

Devote plenty of time your Praxis guide, but don't forget to read as much as possible. Pick up a few novels that you've been meaning to read, or simply read the paper every morning before heading to work. The practice will improve your reading comprehension - and it will certainly show on your Praxis practice test score!

Use these strategies to pass the following exams:

- Praxis Middle School Mathematics
- Practice for the Praxis II Middle School Content Knowledge test
- Praxis Middle School Science
- Praxis Middle School English Language Arts
- Praxis Middle School Social Studies for the Praxis 2
- Praxis Technology Education
- Praxis Spanish Content knowledge
- Praxis Spanish Productive Language Skills 0192
- Praxis practice tests for the General Science
- Praxis Biology and General Science
- Praxis Chemistry
- Praxis Educational Leadership, Administration and Supervision
- Praxis US and World History Content Knowledge
- Praxis Physical Education practice test
- Praxis Music
- Praxis practice test for Reading Specialist
- Praxis Fundamental Subjects - Content Knowledge
- Library Media Specialist Praxis exam prep
- Praxis Family and Consumer Sciences study materials
- Praxis Art Content Knowledge, Art Traditions, Content, Criticisms, Aesthetics and Art Making
- Praxis School Guidance Counseling

Selasa, 10 April 2018

Post Acute Withdrawal When will it End

Post Acute Withdrawal When will it End

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Post Acute Withdrawal When will it End

Many addicts in recovery wonder when symptoms of post acute withdrawal will end. In fact, it's the most common question related to this condition, but the answer is different for every person. Fortunately, there are a number of factors that a person can successfully influence that will help to reduce both the severity and duration of symptoms. This is especially important to learn considering that many addicts report post acute withdrawal symptoms for more than 2 years. The following will influence how long symptoms last, among other factors.

*Type of Drug

They type of substance used will significantly affect the duration of post acute withdrawal symptoms. Opiates are widely considered to cause the most severe symptoms when the addiction in question was acute and chronic - this is especially true if the addicted opiates were treatment drugs such as Suboxone, Naltrexone or Methadone. Hard-core heroin users and Methadone addicts report long term symptoms lasting for up to 2 years or more in some cases.

Long term alcoholics often struggle with symptoms long after they have completed a drug treatment program. Some former chronic alcoholics report difficulties related to post acute withdrawal for years or even decades after they quit drinking. However, the severity and duration of these symptoms is at least partly dependent on other factors mentioned below.

Drugs with typically shorter post acute withdrawal symptoms include marijuana, hashish, cocaine, ecstasy and benzodiazepines. (Note: while symptoms caused by a former addiction to benzodiazepine aren't thought to last as long as other types of chronic addictions, initial cessation and withdrawal from this class of drugs can be dangerous: consult with medical professionals before detoxing from this substance or from alcohol)

*Nature of Abuse

In general, the more severe and long-lasting the substance abuse and active addiction period is, the longer and more severe post acute withdrawal symptoms will be. For instance, a person who abused heroin chronically for 5 years while switching between other drugs and developing multiple addictions over a period of time will likely have more symptoms (and for longer) than someone who abused cocaine and no or few other drugs for 6 months. Mixing drugs and using drugs at the top of the drug hierarchy (heroin, Fentanyl, etc) typically results in more severe symptoms after detox and withdrawal.

*Duration of Abuse

The longer an addict is in an active state of substance abuse and addiction, the longer post acute withdrawal symptoms generally last. Alcoholics who drank for a decade are more likely to experience symptoms past their first and second year of sobriety than a person who used meth for a year.

*Past Relapses and Withdrawals

The more times a person has withdrawn from a substance and then subsequently relapsed, the more severe and long lasting their post acute withdrawal symptoms will be. This is caused by a condition referred to as the Kindling Effect, where subsequent relapse episodes cause more and more severe symptoms of acute withdrawal syndrome or AWS and correspondingly. The Kindling Effect is in turn caused by a decreasing ability of the brain to handle stress as well as significant changes in individual nerve cells and overall functioning of neuronal wiring in response to damage caused by the interactions of drugs and neurotransmitters.

*State of Health

People who are in good health generally have fewer post acute withdrawal symptoms that clear up more quickly than those in poor health. Often when addicts first get clean they are emaciated, highly stressed and sometimes suffering from a number of drug-abuse or alcoholism related diseases and conditions. This means that they are less physically able to cope with any symptoms that arise than a normal healthy person.

However, addicts that quickly recover physically and take a proactive stance on their health can reduce the severity and duration of any symptoms they might experience.

*Co-Occurring Conditions

People with co-occurring conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, mania, bipolar, and others often have a more difficult time with post acute withdrawal than people who do not have a dual diagnosis. This is because many of the symptoms of these conditions mimic or exacerbate symptoms of post acute withdrawal.

Overall people receiving treatment for their co-occurring conditions fare better than people who do not receive treatment or therapies.


The healthier the diet of the person in recovery, the stronger their immune system and health will be and therefore the better equipped they'll be to cope with symptoms should they arise, and the less likely it becomes that symptoms will occur for an extended duration.

People with poor diets - especially those who eat diets that are high in fats and sugars - often feel many symptoms for long periods of time because sugar acts on the same neurological processes as drugs of addiction like Oxycontin, morphine and meth.


Exercise is essential for healthy brain functioning and the development of red blood cells - all critical parts of maintaining a healthy body. People who exercise on a regular basis are more likely to be in a better overall state of health and therefore will be less likely to experience long term post acute withdrawal symptoms.


For most addicts, environment is everything. Addicts who are recovering in low-stress, supportive and fulfilling environments not only experience few conditioned responses and related triggers to use drugs or drink again, they're also much less likely to experience ongoing symptoms of post acute withdrawal. Conversely, addicts that live in stressful environments with numerous triggers to use are not only more likely to experience chronic and long-lasting symptoms, they're also more likely to relapse and return to drug abuse or drinking.


Recovering addicts with strong support networks are more likely to fare well with symptoms than those with few or no support connections. A support network is a critical part of recovery from addiction and often means the difference between an addict that relapses repeatedly and one that stays clean for years.

However, it should be noted that a strong support network in recovery doesn't directly impact post acute withdrawal; instead it allows addicts a better opportunity for help in dealing with the symptoms that they do have, making it less likely that they will relapse and consequently decreasing the amount of time that symptoms are experienced.

*Treatment and Therapies

People who are in long-term recovery that actively engage in treatment or various types of therapies stand a much better chance of recovering from post acute withdrawal more rapidly than those that take a passive stance on their recovery. However, it should be noted that for opiate addicts, symptoms of withdrawal and post acute withdrawal may occur while on opiate substitution therapies. Therefore, it's difficult for these people to determine when they can expect a normal return of functioning: first they must stop using all drugs in order to make a complete recovery and a proper evaluation related to symptoms, co-occurring conditions, etc.


It may sound clich, but attitude can mean the difference between a quick recovery and few experiences related to post acute withdrawal and a terrible roller-coaster ride of symptoms that last for years. Attitudes change on a daily basis and of course some days are better than others, but addicts in recovery with a better disposition and attitude tend to fare better than their more negative counterparts.

While all of the above points will influence how long post acute withdrawal symptoms occur for and how severe they are, this is only part of the picture as there are unknown factors that also influence the recovery experience. However, if you are in recovery and you focus on cultivating and nurturing a strong support network, exercise and eat healthy foods and take active part in ongoing treatment and therapies, you'll stand a far better chance of staying clean for life than those who take a less proactive approach.

Speed Reading Tactics How Do You Read Super Fast and Comprehend

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