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The challenge of modeling Todd's Origami Paper Airplane Puzzlers offers everyone educational exercise in reading and comprehension, exercise in spatial analysis as well as imaginative creativity in design variation. In the end, modeler is able to actually fly the resultant paper airplanes.
Abstract Modeling exerts the effort necessary to put actions in motion. The passage from abstract mind challenges that draw from planning to forming to shaping and culminating with meaningful usefulness or purpose.
To become the coolest origami brain teaser modeler you must have a teaser of a brain or an open mind. Be one who teases or vexes, irritates or troubles your own mind in order to attain that spectacular (sparktacular) moment of astonishment of wit and to avoid pending embarrassment. You must be able to think on your feet with a purpose. My feet are my understanding; as it were. This paper will describe modeling in the traditional sense, introduce a set of exciting origami brain teasers as new products and take you through the four step journey from puzzled in mazes of thought and perplexed with potential error; to enlightenment of the mind with understanding. Let the journey begin.
Todddude thinks modeling means planning, forming and shaping for useful purposes. (1) Modeling takes considerable effort in order to plan purposeful meaningful endeavors. (2) Modeling next means forming plans of action to isolate and infiltrate the various nuances of the puzzler being modeled. (3) Modeling finally means shaping formed action plans from a disjointed multitude or assemblage of facts and processes to provide structured understanding. (4) Modeling exerts the effort necessary to put actions in motion. The passage from abstract mind challenges that draw from planning to forming to shaping and culminating with meaningful usefulness or purpose. In the end, modeling helps us attain that spectacular moment of astonishment known as just plain fun. Is he or she to be or not a successful model contriver detective.
Meta-linguistics Let us study the interrelationships between language and other cultural behavioral phenomena disguised as the conversation between the enlightened creator of puzzles (contriver artist's) and those unsuspecting capriciously challenged (fickle) modelers in order to determine who is the coolest on the block (that is; you, your friends, or family members). Are you up to the challenge?
(1) Modeling takes considerable effort in order to plan purposeful meaningful endeavors. The shortcut of course is to let someone else take care of that for you. With that in mind, Happily I announce that I have found several contriver artist's that have planned their puzzles on canvas in the language of dimensional spatial or puzzle art. They have created several Todd's Origami Paper Airplane Puzzler collections disguised as origami brain teasers. They have done all the planning for you, your friends and family members. They have hidden wonderful puzzle art images within canvas sketches. These contriver artist's challenge you to figure out where the hidden images are and how to reveal them. The Artist's challenge you by pointing out that every product or item may resolve to one or more differing unique hidden images. The artist's challenge you on the basis of reading. The artist's challenge you to imagine design alterations, variations and mutations. They challenge you to end up with models that really fly. And finally, they challenge you to learn how to fly. In essence, this cultural phenomena (of wishing to solve puzzles) is multifaceted modeling, created to fly and purposed for you to get airborne.
(2) Modeling next means forming plans of action to isolate and infiltrate the various nuances of the puzzler being modeled. The artist's have provided first the Todd's Origami Paper Airplane Puzzler collection of origami brain teasers (models) and second the origami folding instructions necessary to construct one basic origami paper airplane model design. They have also provide visual instruction steps for review. The artist's intend the modelers must read and comprehend origami folding construction instructions and learn how to construct the paper airplane models. Instructions are presented in backwards countdown format to further confuse each modeler. Those contriving Artist's believe that many illiterates will give up and lose in humiliated defeat. But rest assured however, the artist's have provided everything necessary for the inquiring mind to accomplish the task. The artist's have formed the plans necessary for you to succeed in building model airplanes, created to fly and purposed for you to get airborne.
(3) Modeling finally means shaping the formed action plans from a disjointed multitude or assemblage of facts to give light to; to illuminate clearer views; to provide instruction; to enable vision or comprehension of truth; as, to enlighten the mind or provide structured understanding. So once you have accomplished reading and learning how to construct the basic origami paper airplane design, then it is time to exercise your imagination, persistence, patience and clarity of gymnastic thought. This you see, is the real challenge requiring epiphany. You must alter, very and mutate the provided origami folding instructions without breaking the working model paper airplane design. Can you do it? Or must you first study origami paper folding itself? What are the possible permutations? Try shape shifting? Realistically, the Todddude thinks you can solve these puzzles as well as exercise your mind. First and key, you must recognize that your mind is thrashing. To prevent your mind from thrashing, you must shape your thoughts into structured insight. Use synectics to compare what you know characteristics to enable vision or comprehension. How can you alter, very, change or mutate the known factual situation and solve the puzzle; revealing each and every puzzle art hidden image. Those contriving artist's have created at least one hidden image in each puzzler. Your job is now to face the challenge.
(4) An abstract mind challenge draws planning to forming to shaping to just plain fun with meaningful usefulness, with purpose. And yet. How do you know that you have solved each puzzle correctly? There is only one way to be sure. What did those contriver artist's intend? You must visit the answers page on Todd's Shopboard website to be sure. I caution you that many may choose to check the answers before reaching epiphany. However, it will only provide some solace, because the shaping process or shape shifting is still required. Once you have a completed model airplane. How do you fly it and get airborne? First try the forward toss method. Where you grasp the plane between thumb and index finger. And gently toss it up, forward and away. Second try the backward reversal launch method. Where you grasp the tip of the wing section, from underneath the plane, with the top of the plane facing away from you. If you need to see it to believe it, check out the picture of the three kids demonstrating how to hold the planes for launch, on the absolute experience page of the website. You must experience Todd's Origami Paper Airplane Puzzler origami brain teasers in action.
Summary This paper has described modeling as meaning the planning, forming and shaping of puzzlers for useful purposes, created to fly and get airborne! (1) You now understand that it takes considerable effort in order to plan purposeful meaningful endeavors. And our artist's have done that complex and difficult part for you. (2) You also understand that the plans of action are complete and ready to go. You can simply purchase the artistically conceived puzzlers and test your skills of reading, following spatial construction instructions and learning to fly. (3) You now realize that the hard part is using your own imagination to shape shift known origami design characteristics in such a way as to reveal the artist's hidden intended images. You understand that in order to accomplished the epiphany goal, you must start by structuring known information logically until you achieve or attain a structured understanding. An understanding of the multitude of possible puzzler permutations. (4) You now know that as a modeler you must exert the effort necessary to put actions in motion. The passage from abstract mind challenges that draw from planning to forming to shaping and culminating with meaningful usefulness or purpose. In the end, modeling helps us all attain that spectacular moment of delight. The above summary concludes the four (4) steps to becoming the coolest origami brain teaser modeler on the block. Is it luck or accomplished effort we seek?
2007 Todd's Shopboard treasure-city authored by Kenneth Shelton (Todddude).