As a rule, at the age of 2 - 4 months the puppy already finds the owner. You have got the puppy, now it is in your house and you are its owner. How to behave correctly? How to begin? For the beginning ask yourself a question why you have got the dog and what you wish to see it in its full grown? The answer is important for it determines the approach for it maintenance, cultivation, education and training. The dog should become a member of your family at least for 10 years; so it should observe the order accepted in your house and to bring you pleasure at interaction. All your efforts should be directed on maintenance of a good feed, granting to it an opportunity to move more and longer to be on fresh air.
It the period, when the puppy is 4 - 6 months, is the time of the most intensive growth of the puppy and during the very same period there is a change of a dairy teeth with constants. Your round nice puppy has turned in long-legged, disproportionate combined dog. You should turn a special attention on a diet of feeding. Your puppy by six months should gradually pass on thrice feeding. During this period you should, achieving obedience of the puppy, to start its initial training. It is not an implicit performance of any commands, but comprehension by a dog of necessity and expediency of submission to the owner. In the further it will help also in the daily life, rescuing the dog from hit under the machine, allowing to avoid other troubles connected with necessity in time to react to a desire of the owner or to stop.
It is impossible to establish precisely term of the employment beginning with the puppy, as it depends on a level of development of the puppy and on a condition of its nervous system. Anyway, before achievement by the puppy of six-monthly age it is not recommended to start regular employments. Therefore in this period only about an initial training should be conducted.
It is necessary to continue feed the puppy at the age of 6- 9 months three times a day. Often puppies at this age start to refuse feeding, and aspire to pass to two-time feeding. So this is a sign for you that you can pass to two times feeding. During this period you can already start to serious employments on training, but without greater loadings.
The puppy's training should be directed on achievement of full contact with the owner and implicit performance of his commands, which should be fast, exact and vigorous. When the puppy will master commands, pass to gestures. In any case, by 9 months your puppy should be, convenient, operated, understanding dog. It should be easy to walk with it and at desire to start it's training for competitions, or to prepare it for hunting.
The diet and mode of feeding of the puppy at the age of one-year changes, gradually passing to what it will be at an adult dog. It is possible already to start to increase the loadings of the puppy. At this age it is necessary to approach very serious to trainings. Later it will be very difficult to make the dog obedient. After a year its character will be formed, and then you will already have to not train it, but to be engaged in correction of its behaviour.