Minggu, 08 April 2018

New Life

New Life

Image source: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/new-life-sign-28420409.jpg

New Life

When my son was on the way with us to the ER for a small mishap with his allergies, my husband noticed a car with the license plates "Salem". Not only is that the name of a witchy town, it is my father's name, along with several other ancestors, and was given as a middle name to his grandson.

When we got to the ER, they said to us that our son's health is fine and not to worry any longer. Fine...but of course I worried...

...Until it sent me to the ER a few days later myself, with another bout of tachycardia...but this time my heart rate was even higher. The ER doctor was unable to massage under the front part of my neck to calm my heart rate...even though I learned how wonderful it feels to a cat...and the other standard methods were not working either.

I remained calm, even when I was told I would have to be given a drug into my blood that would cause me to "feel dizzy all over" for a "few seconds" then "bring me back again"...Wow...Ok...

So the first dose of medicine was supposed to do the trick, but apparently my system required a dose even stronger. They ended up giving me a much stronger version that indeed "did it"...

...But it did it like a powerhouse yet frightful, magical potion...making me feel like a wilted lavender plant, turning grey and dying from top to bottom, with a pain in my head, a faster pounding heart, and everything went black as I felt like my spirit had risen from my body...

As I heard my doctor's voice calmly saying "don't worry, we'll bring you back", I also heard my beloved father's voice confidently saying "you'll be alright..."

"You'll come back?!" Where'd I go?! Did I just die? Did my heart just stop for a few seconds? Believe me, those "few seconds" were the longest few seconds I had ever experienced in my life, of all time...

Not only did I come back with a normal heart rate...and serenity...rising to a new rebirth as the mythical phoenix, I also came back with humble shivers, chills, a dull migraine, and what seemed to feel like a superbly supernatural hangover.

But nevertheless, I was "back" and they sure did send me on my way, feeling quite punch drunk afterwards...

It took some time to even walk out of the hospital and hail a taxi, and when I got home to a peacefully sleeping son and a very concerned husband, he knew that I was completely but legally drugged...

...And feeling better. I was so relieved that my son did not know anything of this...but somehow he did.

My son got up the next day and immediately asked me "mommy, how are you feeling?" I told him I was fine and he responded by telling me about his "dream"...

He had a dream that my father, his "papa" who passed away not too long ago, came to visit him, gave him a hug, told him "I love you" and "I'm going to go check on your mommy now"...

After being speechless for a while, with tears in my eyes thinking about his amazing grandfather, I explained to my sweet little boy what had happened to me and told him that our family is going to start living a happier, healthier, more peaceful life.

It felt like a rebirth...a spiritual new life...as we all gave each other a great big family hug and also thanked "papa" for coming down from the heavens to check up on us.

UPDATE: To my surprise, I found out that my heart did stop for about 3 seconds...so I did hear my father's voice...and now I know what it feels like to be given a new life...

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Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhfpILLgnTDoCqGdLkgRppZmuv_2zxPEITE-aPCOn2CWuurOKfmJo5biBam8jw3I7XsY...